作者: 【美】W. Richard Stevens(W.理查德•史蒂文斯)
译者: 无
编辑: 杨海玲


Part 1. TCP for Transactions / TCP事务协议 1

Chapter 1. T/TCP Introduction / T/TCP概述 3

1.1 Introduction / 概述 3

1.2 UDP Client-Server / UDP客户-服务器 3

1.3 TCP Client-Server / TCP客户-服务器 9

1.4 T/TCP Client-Server / T/TCP客户-服务器 17

1.5 Test Network / 测试网络20

1.6 Timing Example / 计时示例21

1.7 Applications / 应用22

1.8 History / 历史24

1.9 Implementations / 实现26

1.10 Summary / 小结 28

Chapter 2. T/TCP Protocol / T/TCP协议 29

2.1 Introduction / 概述29

2.2 New TCP Options for T/TCP / T/TCP的新TCP选项 30

2.3 T/TCP Implementation Variables / T/TCP实现变量33

2.4 State Transition Diagram / 状态变迁图34

2.5 T/TCP Extended States / T/TCP的扩展状态 36

2.6 Summary / 小结 38

Chapter 3. T/TCP Examples / T/TCP 示例 39

3.1 Introduction / 概述 39

3.2 Client Reboot / 客户重新启动 40

3.3 Normal T/TCP Transaction / 常规的T/TCP事务 42

3.4 Server Receives Old Duplicate SYN / 服务器收到过时的重复SYN 43

3.5 Server Reboot / 服务器重新启动 44

3.6 Request or Reply Exceeds MSS / 请求或应答超出MSS 45

3.7 Backward Compatibility / 向后兼容性49

3.8 Summary / 小结 51

Chapter 4. T/TCP Protocol (Continued) / T/TCP协议(续) 53

4.1 Introduction / 概述 53

4.2 Client Port Numbers and TIME_WAIT State / 客户的端口号和TIME_WAIT状态 53

4.3 Purpose of the TIME_WAIT State / 设置TIME_WAIT状态的目的 56

4.4 TIME WAIT State Truncation / TIME_WAIT状态的截断 59

4.5 Avoiding the Three-Way Handshake with TAO / 利用TAO避免三次握手 62

4.6 Summary / 小结 68

Chapter 5. T/TCP Implementation: Socket Layer / T/TCP实现:套接字层69

5.1 Introduction / 概述69

5.2 Constants / 常量70

5.3 sosend Function / sosend函数70

5.4 Summary / 小结 72

Chapter 6.T/TCP Implementation: Routing Table / T / TCP实现:路由表 73

6.1 Introduction / 概述73

6.2 Code Introduction / 代码介绍74

6.3 radix_node_head Structure / radix_node_head结构75

6.4 rtentry Structure / rtentry结构75

6.5 rt_metrics Structure / rt_metrics结构76

6.6 in_inithead Function / in_inithead函数 76

6.7 in_addroute Function / in_addroute函数77

6.8 in_matroute Function / in_matroute函数78

6.9 in_clsroute Function / in_clsroute函数78

6.10 in_rtqtimo Function / in_rtqtimo函数79

6.11 in_rtqkill Function / in_rtqkill函数82

6.12 小结 85

Chapter 7. T/TCP Implementation: Protocol Control Blocks / T/TCP实现:协议控制块 87

7.1 Introduction / 概述 87

7.2 in_pcbladdr Function / in_pcbladdr函数88

7.3 in_pcbconnect Function / in_pcbconnect函数89

7.4 Summary / 小结 90

Chapter 8. T/TCP Implementation: TCP Overview / T/TCP实现:TCP概要 91

8.1 Introduction / 概述 91

8.2 Code Introduction / 代码介绍 91

8.3 TCP protosw Structure / TCP protosw结构92

8.4 TCP Control Block / TCP控制块93

8.5 tcp_init Function / tcp_init函数 94

8.6 tcp_slowtimo Function / tcp_slowtimo函数 94

8.7 Summary / 小结 95

Chapter 9. T/TCP Implementation: TCP Output / T/TCP实现:TCP输出 97

9.1 Introduction / 概述97

9.2 tcp_output Function / tcp_output函数 97

9.3 Summary / 小结 104

Chapter 10. T/TCP Implementation: TCP Functions / T/TCP实现:TCP函数 105

10.1 Introduction / 概述105

10.2 tcp_newtcpcb Function / tcp_newtcpcb函数105

10.3 tcp_rtlookup Function / tcp_rtlookup函数106

10.4 tcp_gettaocache Function / tcp_gettaocache函数108

10.5 Retransmission Timeout Calculations / 重传超时的计算108

10.6 tcp_close Function / tcp_close函数 112

10.7 tcp_msssend Function / tcp_msssend函数113

10.8 tcp_mssrcvd Function / tcp_mssrcvd函数114

10.9 tcp_dooptions Function / tcp_dooptions函数121

10.10 tcp_reass Function / tcp_reass函数122

10.11 Summary / 小结 124

Chapter 11.T/TCP Implementation: TCP Input / T/TCP实现:TCP输入 125

11.1 Introduction / 概述125

11.2 Preliminary Processing / 预处理125

11.3 Header Prediction / 首部预测129

11.4 Initiation of Passive Open / 被动打开的启动130

11.5 Initiation of Active Open / 主动打开的启动134

11.6 PAWS: Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers / PAWS:防止序号重复141

11.7 ACK Processing / ACK处理142

11.8 Completion of Passive Opens and Simultaneous Opens / 完成被动打开和同时打开142

11.9 ACK Processing (Continued) / ACK处理(续) 143

11.10 Summary / 小结 147

Chapter 12. T/TCP Implementation: TCP User Requests / T/TCP实现:TCP用户请求 149

12.1 Introduction / 概述149

12.2 PRU_CONNECT Request / PRU_CONNECT请求149

12.3 tcp_connect Function / tcp_connect函数150


12.5 tcp_usrclosed Function / tcp_usrclosed函数155

12.6 tcp_sysctl Function / tcp_sysctl函数155

12.7 T/TCP Futures / T/TCP的前景156

12.8 Summary / 小结 158

Part 2. Additional TCP Applications / TCP的其他应用 159

Chapter 13. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol / HTTP:超文本传送协议161

13.1 Introduction / 概述161

13.2 Introduction to HTTP and HTML / HTTP和HTML概述162

13.3 HTTP Protocol / HTTP协议 165

13.4 An Example / 示例 170

13.5 HTTP Statistics / HTTP统计数据 172

13.6 Performance Problems / 性能问题173

13.7 Summary / 小结 175

Chapter 14. Packets Found on an HTTP Server / 在HTTP服务器上找到的分组177

14.1 Introduction / 概述177

14.2 Multiple HTTP Servers / 多个HTTP服务器180

14.3 Client SYN Interarrival Time / 客户SYN的到达间隔时间181

14.4 RTT Measurements / RTT的测量 185

14.5 1isten Backlog Queue / 1isten积压队列 187

14.6 Client SYN Options / 客户SYN选项 192

14.7 Client SYN Retransmissions / 客户SYN重传 195

14.8 Domain Names / 域名 196

14.9 Timing Out Persist Probes / 超时的持续探测196

14.10 Simulation of T/TCP Routing Table Size / T/TCP路由表大小的模拟 200

14.11 Mbuf Interaction / Mbuf交互202

14.12 TCP PCB Cache and Header Prediction / TCP的PCB高速缓存和首部预测 203

14.13 Summary / 小结 205

Chapter 15. NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol / NNTP:网络新闻传送协议207

15.1 Introduction / 概述207

15.2 NNTP Protocol / NNTP协议209

15.3 A Simple News Client / 一个简单的新闻客户212

15.4 A More Sophisticated News Client / 一个复杂的新闻客户214

15.5 NNTP Statistics / NNTP的统计数据 215

15.6 Summary / 小结 216

Part 3. The Unix Domain Protocols / Unix域协议 219

Chapter 16. Unix Domain Protocols: Introduction / Unix域协议:概述221

16.1 Introduction / 概述221

16.2 Usage / 用途222

16.3 Performance / 性能 223

16.4 Coding Examples / 编码示例224

16.5 Summary / 小结 225

Chapter 17. Unix Domain Protocols: Implementation / Unix域协议:实现227

17.1 Introduction / 概述 227

17.2 Code Introduction / 代码介绍227

17.3 Unix domain and protosw Structures / Unix domain和protosw结构228

17.4 Unix Domain Socket Address Structures / Unix域套接字地址结构230

17.5 Unix Domain Protocol Control Blocks / Unix域协议控制块231

17.6 uipc_usrreq Function / uipc_usrreq函数233

17.7 PRU_ATTACH Request and unp_attach Function / PRU_ATTACH请求和unp_attach函数233

17.8 PRU_DETACH Request and unp_detach Function / PRU_DETACH请求和unp_detach函数236

17.9 PRU_BIND Request and unp_bind Function / PRU_BIND请求和unp_bind函数237

17.10 PRU_CONNECT Request and unp_connect Function / PRU_CONNECT请求和unp_connect函数240

17.11 PRU_CONNECT2 Request and unp_connect2 Function / PRU_CONNECT2请求和unp_connect2函数245

17.12 socketpair System Call / socketpair系统调用249

17.13 pipe System Call / pipe系统调用253

17.14 PRU_ACCEPT Request / PRU_ACCEPT请求253

17.15 PRU_DISCONNECT Request and unp_disconnect Function / PRU_DISCONNECT请求和unp_disconnect函数255

17.16 PRU_SHUTDOWN Request and unp_shutdown Function / PRU_SHUTDOWN请求和unp_shutdown函数257

17.17 PRU_ABORT Request and unp_drop Function / PRU_ABORT请求和unp_drop函数258

17.18 Miscellaneous Requests / 其他各种请求259

17.19 Summary / 小结 261

Chapter 18. Unix Domain Protocols: I/O and Descriptor Passing / Unix域协议:I/O和描述符传递263

18.1 Introduction /概述263

18.2 PRU_SEND and PRU_RCVD Requests / PRU_SEND和PRU_RCVD请求263

18.3 Descriptor Passing / 描述符传递269

18.4 unp_internalize Function / unp_internalize函数274

18.5 unp_externalize Function / unp_externalize函数276

18.6 unp_discard Function / unp_discard函数277

18.7 unp_dispose Function / unp_dispose函数278

18.8 unp_scan Function / unp_scan函数278

18.9 unp_gc Function / unp_gc函数280

18.10 unp_mark Function / unp_mark函数288

18.11 Performance (Revisited) / 性能(续)288

18.12 Summary / 小结 289

Appendix A. Measuring Network Times / 测量网络时间291

A.1 RTT Measurements Using Ping / 使用Ping进行RTT测量 292

A.2 Protocol Stack Measurements / 协议栈测量294

A.3 Latency and Bandwidth / 延迟和带宽 300

Appendix B. Coding Applications for T/TCP / 为T/TCP编写应用程序303

Bibliography / 参考文献309





非常网管 IPv6网络部署实战
非常网管 IPv6网络部署实战

